Stumbling around and hitting almost every tree i come by. Rock on rock on with a fashionable frown. Connect the wires and plug me in. Tell me things I want to hear. 5 4 3 2 1 I'm letting you go now. Why has the floor become a moving target? Give me something to believe. Every word from your mouth is like poison. Freedom is something you always want, but with every little bit of freedom you get you want even more than before. It feels like forever but no one tells you that forever feels like being home all alone inside your head.
15 years ago
There you go Isaac more snow pics. Oh and we got like 4-5 inches up here last night haha. You get any where you at Isaac?
You grew your goatee! Just don't turn it into a beard it wouldn't look good.
Haha, I think he knows that. Nice pictures! Aww, that dog is cool! I like how he (she?) is all shaggy. Those gigantic icicles are pretty amazing as well. =P
Yey! ... well, we got about a quarter inch up in Washington that didn't really stick. I heard it was about the same near my house. =P
Hey Andrew! Great job reasoning with Shellie about the swimming. =D She wouldn't tell me "all" the reasons you gave, but nice job turning her "no" into a "maybe." Between the two of us, I'll bet we can get it to a yes before long. =P Oh, Shellie says she's going to try to thwart any plans that are laid against her, and thus won't give me your phone number. If I don't catch you on AIM before long, I may need to get that from ya. =) later
Haha. Yes i do beleive we can geta yes out of her. It's a lot easyer with a tag team partner lol. But yea i think she wont ever ask me to give her any good reasons to do anything ever again because I keep giving them to her. lol Oh and we still like have about a foot of snow up here haha. It's nice when the rodes are clear andwe got snow.
OH and it is a he Michelle.
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