Sunday, December 21, 2008


HOLY CRAP! So this is global warming........... sure is a cold global warming...... but what do I know I'm no scientist we should ask Clinton.........


Globetrotter said...

haha no, we should ask Al Gore. He's a smart guy... I mean, he created the internet after all didn't he? XP

WolfAngel said...

Haha, YES. Sadly though, this is an effect of global warming. I don't know too much about it, but it has something to do with stuff melting in the arctic and making its way over here. =\

@_@ Andrew said...

Oh darn my post is a lie...... I guess I'm more like a polition than I thought.

Globetrotter said...

Seasonal phenonmenon. I'm all for being "greener," but human activity actually has little to no effect in overall global temperature. I learned this last year in Biology.

General405 said...

You 'learn' lots of different things about global warming. You may not remember, Isaac, but climate change is the lego robotics research topic this year and it's been very annoying to do.

WolfAngel said...

Dude, human activity is the reason for global warming. -_-' It's because of our cars and freaking huge factories. Like that one a couple of us saw on the bridge one night with Peter. All that horrid smaug. Blech! XP

WolfAngel said...

Hmm...I think that's supposed to be smog...

General405 said...

If you start a debate about global warming, Ryan has an excuse to talk about politics again.

Globetrotter said...

Peter has a point, so I won't start one. I wish you could see that section in my biology though, because Dr. Wile outlines the different causes pretty well and, although stuff like car exhaust and smog from factories is a contributor, it has never had any significant effect on the ozone layer or global temperature. Like I said though, we should be looking for more environmentally friendly alternatives.

WolfAngel said...

Hmm, I may have to take a look at that sometime. I highly agree with what you said about being environmentally friendly though. ;D